These 7 About pages will knock your socks off

These 7 About pages will knock your socks off

A client recently asked me to rewrite her About page. Before diving into the project, I decided to go hunting for inspiration — and on my quest I found some great examples of About pages that share their company story in a way that captures attention and inspires loyalty and affection.  (more…)

So you want to start a blog…

So you want to start a blog…

Your 7-step guide to setting up your own blog and writing for an online audience

A traveling musician friend recently asked me for advice on how to create a blog. She’s just starting out in her career, leads an interesting life, and would like a dedicated online space to share her thoughts and experiences with a larger audience.

Here’s what I told her. (more…)

I have a new website! I have a new website!

I have a new website! I have a new website!

Hey hey, hey, check out the new digs!

As you can see, I’ve decided to step out from behind my business name, Made You Look Online, and move my website and personal “brand identity” over here to

And my fabulous designer, Tzaddi Gordon, and I totally revamped the look of the site in the process!

Why would I do such a thing – especially when my current website at was less than a year old, and I still loved it? (more…)